I explore the intersection of art and technology in the context of learning, perception, and creativity. My practice ranges from creating multimodal grammars in virtual reality for teaching math and science to mapping the body's internal states into immersive experiences.

graduate student: center of computer research in music and acoustics - @stanford university

research interests: human-computer interaction, multimodal feedback in extended reality, algorithmic art, psychoacoustics, experiential learning, brain computer interfaces, electroacoustic music

past experiences

virtual reality/game feel developer @prisms of reality

teaching assistant @massachusetts institute of technology - making music in the metaverse

research assistant @berklee psychology of music lab


software library for audio-oriented computing

An exploration of spatial interfaces and modulators for creating audio-oriented extended reality. This work includes the development of C# utility classes, sketches/examples, and applications. The aim is to enhance the functionality and documentation of CsoundUnity—a procedural audio solution designed for extended reality (XR), video games, and mobile applications created in Unity.


Bio-Graphic Notation System

A performance system designed to transform biofeedback—such as systolic/diastolic blood pressure and heart rate—into a graphic notation that an ensemble can interpret. 'Synchronicity' serves as the proof of concept for 'bio-graphic notations,' exploring how art-based biofeedback can aid individuals in relating to, modulating, or accepting their current physiological and/or psychological state.


100 Sketches

The practice of interfacing with computer code in the process of creating visual art: from equations to scribbles.

Generative Soundscapes:

The practice of sonifying models that are foreign to the musical paradigm

Auditory Statistical Learning

2 implicit learning experiments on the structural acquisition of an auditory environment

Experiment 1: A study on how musical training (jazz or classical) has an effect on the structural acquisition of an auditory environment.

Experiment 2: A study on the memory mechanisms employed by individuals with Absolute and Relative Pitch when exposed to an artificial tuning system such as the Bohlen-Pierce.