Making Music in the Metaverse
Making Music in the Metaverse
I served as a teaching assistant for MIT’s 2.S972: “Making Music in the Metaverse” under the instruction of Prof. Ken Zolot.
The class takes:
10 undergraduate students from MIT
10 undergraduate students from Berklee College of Music
10 undergraduate and graduate students from Harvard
And puts them together in a room where they can prototype XR experiences.
My role consisted of:
A) Preparing and co-designing class material, semester structure, and assignments.
B) Assisting students with weekly recitation covering topics around Unity, C# scripting, audio, music, and VR design.
C) Inviting and organizing the visit of weekly guest speakers from the industry and academia.
D) Giving feedback to students based on topics discussed on weekly “micro-blogs” and assignments.
Rus Gant / Harvard Visualization Lab / “The 39,000-year history of Alternate Reality”
Lori Landay / MIT Open Documentary / “Moving Realities: Designing Immersive + Interactive Experience”
Iulian Radu / Harvard Graduate School of Education / “Augmented Reality in Education”
David Lobser / NYU Future Reality Lab / “Cosmic Sugar - Art in VR”
Sam Chin / MIT Media Lab: Responsive Environments / “Sensory Augmentation”
Erica Knowles / Berklee Psychology of Music Lab / “Musical Schemas”
Akito van Troyer / MIT Media Lab + Berklee / “Musical Interfaces and Experiences”
Pattie Maes / MIT Media Lab: Fluid Interfaces / “Fluid Interfaces”
Andrzej Banburski / Microsoft / “AI Generated VR Worlds”
Electronic Production and Design Tutor + Computer Programming Tutor (Liberal Arts)
I was hired by the Electronic Production and Design (EPD) and Liberal Arts departments at Berklee to teach computer programming, sound design, and production as a tutor.
My work consisted on:
a) assisting students with weekly problem sets in C, Python, Max MSP, Csound, p5.js, Processing, and Unity
b) preparing detailed charts to explain signal flow, modular functions, and basic digital signal processing techniques
c) advising students on their creative projects related to audio implementation, interactive programming, and production.
Programming in Max, Programming in Unity, Audio Programming in C, Modular Functions and Signal Flow, Digital Signal Processing, Sound Design, Circuit Bending and Physical Computing, and Video Games Sound Implementation
Audio Programming in C Weekly Lab
As the EPD tutor, I conducted weekly recitations to help students with problem sets from Akito van Troyer’s “Audio Programming in C” class. In these sessions, we covered topics around programming fundamentals, sound generation, basic trigonometry, and the use of the sndlib audio library.