I explore the intersection of creativity, well-being, and computation in the contexts of perception, learning, simulation, and art-making. My practice ranges from developing multimodal grammars for learning in virtual reality to simulating social interactions with generative agents.
graduate student: 1st-year master’s student @ccrma - stanford university
research interests: human-computer interaction, multimodal feedback, psychoacoustics, simulation, algorithmic art and music
past experiences:
virtual reality/game feel developer @prisms of reality
teaching assistant @massachusetts institute of technology - making music in the metaverse
research assistant @berklee psychology of music lab
software library for audio-oriented computing
An exploration of spatial interfaces and modulators for creating audio-oriented extended reality. This work includes the development of C# utility classes, sketches/examples, and applications. The aim is to enhance the functionality and documentation of CsoundUnity—a procedural audio solution designed for extended reality (XR), video games, and mobile applications created in Unity.
Bio-Graphic Notation System
A performance system designed to transform biofeedback—such as systolic/diastolic blood pressure and heart rate—into a graphic notation that an ensemble can interpret. 'Synchronicity' serves as the proof of concept for 'bio-graphic notations,' exploring how art-based biofeedback can aid individuals in relating to, modulating, or accepting their current physiological and/or psychological state.
100 Sketches
The practice of interfacing with computer code in the process of creating visual art: from equations to scribbles.
Generative Soundscapes:
The practice of sonifying models that are foreign to the musical paradigm
Auditory Statistical Learning
2 implicit learning experiments on the structural acquisition of an auditory environment