ANNA: environmental story-telling for loss

Format: Virtual Reality Application

Keywords: Phenomenology, Environmental Story-Telling, Stages of Grief, Virtual Reality

Description: A Virtual Reality experience that experiments with environmental storytelling in the context of loss. Essentially, the ‘experiencer’ is trapped in a room that is in constant change - occasionally responding to where the attention is focused, occasionally ignoring the attempts of the ‘experiencer’. In the same way, as in an escape room, the ‘experiencer’ must ‘solve’ a series of puzzles to move from one stage of grief to another. This project was the result of the class “2.S972 Making Virtual Reality and Immersive Experiences” at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Role: Concept, Researcher, C# Developer, Sound Designer

Other Members: V. Danry (MIT Media Lab), L. Casamajor (Harvard), R. Slater (MIT), L. Bishop (Harvard).

mood to color mapping

mood to sound mapping


early sketches: gravity sketch

clean room/mild anomaly

room to cliff

messy room

In “ANNA”, you’re trapped in
your apartment by your inability to cope with the loss of a loved one.

Every day you wake up and try to live a normal life, but the signs of someone missing are right there, haunting your feeble mind.

You try to progress, but everything stays the same. Or does it?



TypeHall: 2-3D Poster Augmentation


See Like Me: Non-Psychotic Phenotypes of Schizophrenia in VR