TypeHall: 2-3D Poster Augmentation

Format: Mixed Reality Application (Microsoft HoloLens & Oculus Quest)

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Adaptive Design, Poster Augmentation, Spatial Audio, Dynamic Spatial Layout

Concept: A tool that amplifies 2D posters into adaptive 3D typographic sculptures. TypeHall augments bidimensional text and images by positioning them in the form of an adaptive 3D audiovisual layout - occasionally using audio and haptics to convey what the poster aims to communicate.

Role:  Programmer, Sound Designer


MIT Reality Hack - Excellence in Spatial Audio

MIT Reality Hack Top 10 Finalist

Other Members: Rajshree Saraf (NYU), Marcel Bornstein (XR Terra)





With a billion different surface dimensions - how can the grid (in graphic design) be used to make responsive AR posters optimized for a positive experience in each setting?

  • Can we bring these experiences outside our living rooms or outside curated events and schools? 

  • Can we do to AR what laptops did to computers? 

  • Can we do to AR what responsive design did to websites?

How to Use

Scan poster with mobile device

Select layout based on environment

Observe how the elements come to life in the 3D world


Picture a universe where Bernie Sanders is an avant-garde (yet very popular) music composer - his project is called “The Sanders”. Within his diverse repertoire of unconventional music, his most critically acclaimed piece is called “The Filibuster” - an 8-and-a-half-hour stream-of-consciousness vocal piece on modern-day capitalism. In this universe, “The Sanders” used TypeHall to promote the re-issue of “The Filibuster”- posters were hung throughout the state of Vermont.

Use Case



Dream Machine: Music-Oriented Social VR


ANNA: Environmental Story-Telling VR