Auditory Statistical Learning: Experiments 1 & 2

Experiment # 1: Auditory Learning in Classical and Jazz Musicians

Lab: Berklee Psychology of Music Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Dr. Erica Knowles

Keywords: Implicit Learning, Statistical Learning, Musical Training

Description: A study on how musical training (jazz or classical) has an effect on the structural acquisition of an auditory environment.


Society for Music Perception and Cognition (Portland, 2022)

Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (Boston, 2022)

SMPC Poster

Video for SMPC

Experiment # 2: Impact of Absolute Pitch on Auditory Learning

Lab: Berklee Psychology of Music Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Dr. Erica Knowles

Keywords: Absolute Pitch, Bohlen-Pierce, Implicit Learning, Statistical Learning, Musical Training

Description: A study on the memory mechanisms employed by individuals with Absolute Pitch when exposed to an artificial tuning system such as the Bohlen Pierce.


Eastern Psychological Association 94th Annual Meeting (Boston, 2023)

Recruitment Posters

Abstract: Acquisition of auditory structural knowledge is a key component of musical ability. Previous research has not considered how established pitch representations impact acquisition. We evaluated the statistical learning ability of absolute (aka perfect) pitch and relative pitch musicians under two tuning conditions, Western and Bohlen-Pierce. While relative pitch musicians performed equally well across tuning conditions, absolute pitch musicians were significantly impacted by Bohlen-Pierce tuning suggesting they may employ a representation-specific approach to a domain-general skill.


Synchronicity: Bio-Graphic Notation System


Dream Machine: Music-Oriented Social VR