Synchronicity: Bio-Graphic Notation System

Keywords: Biofeedback, Graphic Score, Data Visualization, Data Sonification, Improvisation System

Description: Performance system designed to transform biofeedback (i.e. systolic/diastolic blood pressure and heart rate) into a graphic notation that an ensemble can follow. Synchronicity is the proof-of-concept of ‘bio-graphic” - an exploration of how art-based biofeedback can help humans relate, modulate, or accept their current physiological and/or psychological state.

This project was developed during the class “Reimagining Hyperinstruments” at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Performance: 12/11/2021 - MIT Media Lab

Role: Concept, Project Manager, Programmer (C# and Max MSP), Sound Designer

Other Members: J. Aguera (MIT), C. Liu (Berklee), B. Samsurya (Berklee), X. Hong (Harvard)

System Overview

Experiencer → volunteer that sits in the middle of the room with a pair of (LED fast flashing) glasses. All biofeedback sensors are attached to this subject - the graphic notation/score is mediated by their experience.

Graphic Score → via OSC, Unity receives the data from the sensors and maps it to specific parameters in the scene.

Ensemble → musicians who perceive subtleties in the scene and play accordingly.


low blood pressure

high blood pressure


Sarah Marie Bugeja


Hidemi Akaiwa


Ransom McCafferty



Auditory Statistical Learning: Experiment 1 & 2