Nuvo: ML Sleep Assistant

Format: Hardware

Keywords: Sleep Assistant, Machine Learning, Digital Signal Processing, Hardware, Design 

Description: An ml-based sleep assistant that takes biometric inputs and music preferences to generate and mix responsive real-time soundscapes. The system consists of a mat that goes underneath the pillow and a mobile application that communicates with the mat via Bluetooth.

Role: Concept, Programmer (audio, mobile, and microcontroller), Sound Designer, Composer (for video soundtrack)


Boston Children’s Hospital + Barcelona San Juan de Deu Hack the Hospital - Top 10 Finalist

Other Members: J. Liao, G. Beltran, L. Mureddu, C. Jorgens


After interviewing 4 patients from the Boston Children’s Hospital and 3 from San Juan de Deu Hospital we identified that:

long-term hospitalized children struggle with sleep deprivation which leads to irritability, low mood, decreased physical health, and depression.



Generative Soundscapes


Mare(a/o) LP