Generative Soundscapes

Format: Max Patch, Audio File, Performance, Video

Keywords: Generative Music, Soundscape, Sound Design, Algorithmic Composition

Description: A series of sonic experiments on ‘soundscape’ generation through statistical analysis of chord progressions, weather data, and mathematical sequences (e.g. Fibonacci).

the rules are the composition

it changes every time you run it

no beginning or end

composition as gardening


Harmony Maker: Composition & Performance

X_: Harmony Maker (Aya’s Mode) + Magenta’s Tone Transfer improvisation

Harmony Maker: Mazen’s Mode

Harmony Maker is a MIDI chord selector that plays harmonic changes based on the preferences of specific musicians. For this first iteration, the patch has two modes: Mazen Lawand (Libanese multi-instrumentalist) and Aya Yuasa (Japanese Jazz and Modern Composer).

harmony maker plays the sequence


musicians plays

statistical analysis

Fibonacci Machine: The13thRabbit

The13thRabbit is a 144 second algorithmic sound composition inspired by the work of Francis Dhomont, Hugo Norden, and Leonardo Bonacci. In his book, Liber Abaci (1202) Bonacci proposed a puzzle that demonstrated the recursive nature of the Fibonacci sequence - illustrating the growth of a rabbit population under specific conditions. The13thRabbit draws from this allegory and transmutes it into a Unity-based system that sequences and positions sound objects using numbers from the Fibonacci sequence exclusively.

The composer must select the desired amount of Fibonacci numbers and input an equal amount of audio samples.

If 13 is selected, 13 sound objects will be instantiated, triggered, and positioned at a distance and rotation (relative to the listener) from the following array of integers:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and 144


Every time the timer (in seconds) matches any of these numbers a sample is triggered. All sound objects are destroyed when the timer is equal to the last number of the sequence (if 13, all objects will be destroyed in 144 seconds)

Weather API to Soundscape

Procedural City

Following the story behind the discovery of the Lorenz Attractor, this patch uses weather variations in a specified city to compose and process a sound collage made out of a selection of samples. The time of the day determines the randomization/selection of the samples and the percentage of ozone, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter alters the parameters from the assigned VSTs.



Algorist: 100 Sketches


Nuvo: ML-Based Sleep Assistant